University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas, United States
I am a Neuropathologist who specializes in the diagnosis and molecular characterization of malignant brain tumors. I am currently a Professor in the Departments of Pathology and Translational Molecular Pathology at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC), and I have run an independent research laboratory since the fall of 2009. My group focuses on the molecular pathogenesis of primary gliomas and brain metastases with a major goal of translating our findings to the development of more effective therapies and diagnostic tools. We are particularly interested in defining the extent to which epigenomic dysfunction drives these deadly tumors. Specifically, we are actively investigating the mechanisms by which loss of the SWI/SNF family epigenetic regulator ATRX promotes oncogenesis in malignant gliomas of the brain. We have accumulated extensive experience in global epigenomics, murine model systems, the molecular analysis of human and murine tissue, and the derivation and manipulation of disease-relevant cell lines. Moreover, we are recognized leaders in the molecular classification of brain tumors and have lead or participated in multiple studies defining the genomic landscape of brain tumor variants.