Queen Mary University of London
London, England, United Kingdom
Silvia Marino is the Director of the Brain Tumour Research Centre of Excellence, a partnership between QMUL and the charity Brain Tumour Research. The focus of the Marino research group is on the biology of stem cells and progenitor cells, on the pathways and genes involved in control of their maintenance, proliferation and differentiation, in particular the Polycomb group genes. The group is currently investigating the role of deregulated epigenetic mechanisms in initiation and progression of brain tumours –medulloblastomas and glioblastomas- in experimental models and in human tumour samples. Prof Marino is the lead of the Barts Brain Tumour Centre, a clinical research platform at QMUL/Barts Heath funded by Barts Charity to take basic science discoveries to the clinic more effectively with the aim of increasing the availability of experimental treatments to brain tumour patients. In her clinical role as a consultant neuropathologist, she specialises in the neuropathological assessment of neuro-oncological surgical specimen. Prof Marino is the Academic Training Programme Director for Pathology at Health Education England and a past President of the British Neuro-Oncology Society (BNOS).